CCDS Annual Fund
Your choice to support CCDS today has a compounded impact as students demonstrate success and become leaders in their community. Thank you for choosing to support our students and their futures!
Support a Student Today. Change Them for a Lifetime.
Rev. Charles and Dr. Betty Kennedy founded Community Country Day School when Mother Kennedy realized that the students who needed the most support and love were getting pushed aside – literally and figuratively excluded from the classrooms that they needed to be in. The Kennedys believed then – and we still believe today – that by introducing the right supports and a “Lead With Love” approach to education, all students can thrive. We also believe students who don’t require additional academic or emotional supports can also benefit from the education CCDS offers. Students who are doing well emotionally and academically provide a positive peer influence to those who are struggling and all students learn empathy, compassion and a trauma-informed mindset. Every student is taught to Lead With Love – to lead themselves, their peers, their families and their communities.
Donations to the CCDS Annual Fund help directly support students by enhancing curriculum, providing scholarships and financial aid and enhancing CCDS operations. Your choice to support CCDS today has a compounded impact as students demonstrate success and become leaders in their community.
Ways to Give to CCDS
Cash or Check
You can mail or deliver cash or checks made payable to:
Community Country Day School – 5800 Old Zuck Road – Erie, PA 16506
Credit or Debit Cards
Donate online via credit or debit card here.
IRA Disbursement
If you are 70 ½+, you can make a tax-free gift directly from your Individual Retirement Account (IRA) to Community Country Day School. Please contact your IRA provider for details.
Monthly Partnership
Consider partnering with CCDS via a monthly donation through check or debit or credit card. You can set this up online at You enter your credit or debit card and select the “monthly” option. This provides an opportunity to consistently help students over the course of a year. You can also mail checks to CCDS each month.

CCDS Annual Report
The 2020-2021 school year was one of the most challenging for all schools. Our staff did an amazing job educating and providing therapeutic support through the COVID-19 pandemic. We continue to look into ways to keep educating our students in the best way possible. Learn more about our outcomes and successes in the 2020-2021 Annual Report!
Thanks to Friends of CCDS, we can provide students with the support they need and deserve, so they can continue to reach their potential and have the skills to Lead With Love – to lead themselves, others and their communities.
Will you consider financially supporting our students' futures?
Community Country Day School is a 501(c)(3) organization; all donations are tax-deductible. Unless designated, contributions are utilized at the discretion of Community Country Day School.