CCDS Partial Hospitalization Program
Community Country Day School provides a school-based partial hospitalization program for students whose needs cannot be met in a traditional classroom setting or by a lower level of care. Our approach includes a comprehensive team that quickly identifies a student’s needs and develops a plan of action to best support the student holistically.
About the CCDS Partial Hospitalization Program
Community Country Day School’s Partial Hospitalization Program (“PHP”) is an intensive psychiatric outpatient treatment program that offers six hours of daily care. It is designed to provide patients who require mental health treatment with an individualized, coordinated, intensive, comprehensive, and multi-disciplinary treatment program that cannot be provided in a regular outpatient setting. The partial hospitalization program requires a minimum of 20 hours per week of therapeutic services, documented by their plan of care.
Daily treatment directly addresses the presenting problems requiring admission to the partial hospitalization program. Active treatment consists of clinically recognized therapeutic interventions including individual, group, and family psychotherapies, occupational, activity, and psycho-educational groups pertinent to the patient’s illness. Medical and psychiatric diagnostic evaluation and medication management are also integral to active treatment.
What is School-Based Partial Hospitalization?
School-based partial hospitalization is a weekday program for students ages 6-21 who have needs that are unmet by a traditional classroom or lower, less intensive levels of care. Students are provided with both educational and therapeutic services in individual and group settings. Student services are student-based. They include, but are not limited to:
Services focus on:
- Coping and problem-solving skills
- Overall mental wellness improvement
- Self confidence
- A successful return to a lower level of care and/or to the student’s home school district
- Daily support both in education and in therapeutic support with highly trained staff, so the student progresses in both their educational and psychological needs.
Admissions and Referrals
Community Country Day School’s Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) operates during the academic year. Students must receive a referral from any of the following sources:
- Hospitals
- Managed Care Organizations
- Mental Health Case Managers
- Mental Health Professionals
- Psychiatrists
- School Districts
To be considered for the Partial Hospitalization Program at CCDS, students must demonstrate medical necessity. This may include:
- A current DSM/ICD diagnosis
- History of mental health treatment
- Other treatment has been deemed unsuccessful
- Long-term partial hospitalization has been recommended
- Symptoms across multiple settings
- Family issues that have an impact on the child’s mental health
- Transition from inpatient hospitalization
- Do not present immediate risk to self or others

CCDS Partial Hospitalization Team
Active treatment consists of clinically recognized therapeutic interventions including individual, group, and family psychotherapies, occupational, activity, and psycho-educational groups pertinent to the patient’s illness. Medical and psychiatric diagnostic evaluation and medication management are also integral to active treatment.
Clinical Team: Program Director, Psychiatrist, Nurse, Mental Health Professionals, Mental Health Workers
Educational Team: Program Supervisor, Regular Education Teachers, Special Education Teachers, Psychologist, Social Workers, Specialists (speech, occupational therapists, etc.) as needed
Agency Referral
School Districts, counselors and other appropriate referral agencies can use this application to make a referral. To refer a student to the Partial Hospitalization Program, please use the PHP Referral Form.
Partial Hospitalization Program Referral
Referrals to the Partial Hospitalization Program must come from a mental health provider and require additional criteria to be met. If you are an appropriate referrer and wish to refer your client to the CCDS PHP, please use this form.